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Glass Buildings

Key Person Recruiting & Retention

We Design, Implement and Manage Compensation Packages

for Key/Highly Paid Employees.


Our mission is to help businesses recruit and retain the best talent in their industry.


Our promise to our customer is that we will always be looking out for and educating them on the latest and greatest strategies for attracting, compensating and retaining Key employees


The products and services we deliver to our customers are based on the national relationships we maintain and we continuously look for so they know they are on the cutting edge of talent acquisition, development, compensation and retention


We also have a financial planning and wealth management group that works individually with key employees and ownership groups on their personal financial plans and exit strategies.


Results of effective Key Person Programs:

  • Lower turnover 

  • Vesting schedules that help with retention

  • Offering Financial Planning tools, resources and advice for key employees

  • Creating an “ownership like” experience without giving up actual ownership

  • Company can discretionarily select who participates

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